PUREH2O Services

We provide two (2) different types of water in our store locations and delivery services, MINERAL ENHANCED RO+ and ALKALINE.
Most other stores provide: mineral water, Reverse Osmosis (RO) water, and alkaline water. In reality, mineral water is called such because it only goes through the first few stages of filtration, and leaves the minerals in for taste. This is done for cost purposes.
However, we feel that we can do better. What if we can take mineral water, run it through the RO process, and then re-introduce some trace minerals for taste
.. for the same cost as basic mineral water?
The result is much cleaner drinking water, and yet maintains the taste that you and your family love.
We call this Mineral Enhanced RO+

PureH2O water filtration system Philippines


We don't stop the excellence at water filtration. Before any bottle, either brought in or delivered, must go through a stringent washing process using anti-bacterial soap, rinsed with sanitized water, rinsed again with ozinated, filtered water, and then sealed upon filling. We also clean and sanitize all of our facilities daily, using best practices that meet or excede reglatory requirements.
All of our staff go through an intense training process that includes:

  • Proper operation of the filtration system(s)
  • Basic daily sanitization training & procedures
  • Thorough knowledge of water contaminants and the importance of removing them
  • Best Practices with public health safety

About PureH2O

PureH2O provides high quality water filtration and convenient water delivery services for homes and businesses. Currently serving select local communities in Luzon Philippines, PureH2O is expanding to other jurisdictions throughout other islands in the Philippines monthly.

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